The Information Ministry has termed ‘fake and purpose-oriented’ the Indian media reports on chief adviser’s instruction to remove Liberation War-based content on government radio and television.
In an investigation carried out by the Fact Check team of Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB), an autonomous institution under the ministry, found that the Indian media reports was completely false.
The team said that some Indian media ( and India Herald) have recently published reports claiming that Chief Adviser Dr Muhammad Yunus has issued instructions to remove Liberation War-based content on government radio and television in Bangladesh.
The main contents of the published reports are: The chief adviser has issued an order that the broadcasting of content on the genocide during the Liberation War has been prohibited on government radio and television in Bangladesh.
An order has been issued stating that Pakistan cannot be held responsible for the genocide in the Liberation War and that Pakistani leaders including Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto cannot be criticized.
The order has asked to destroy all documents and video evidence from 1952 to 1971.
The investigation by the PIB Fact Check team revealed that the interim government did not give any instructions regarding the removal of Liberation War-based content from government media.
In fact, the discussed claim was propagated by distorting the information of an office order published by Bangladesh Betar.
An investigation in this regard found an office order signed by Syed Zahidul Islam, Additional Director (Administration and Finance) of Bangladesh Betar, on February 2.
The said office order states, “It is requested to remove all types of images, information and content contradicting the government policy reviewing the websites and Facebook pages of all centers/units of Bangladesh Betar and to inform the administration wing of the headquarters by 3 pm on February 2.”
The said office order did not mention anything about the Liberation War or Pakistan.
Moreover, no information or news was found in the media or any other reliable source to support the discussed claim.
Therefore, the information circulated in the Indian media on the order of the chief adviser regarding the removal of content based on the Liberation War of Bangladesh is completely false and purpose-oriented.